2020 Summer
The British Youth International College are happy to announce our 2020 Summer camps. Now available for booking.
Featured Classes
Games Development
Has your child ever wondered how videogames are made? Ever found them asking how something that happened on their TV was even possible? Our Games Development classes might help answer some of those curiosities with game development and game engines just some of the topics.
Being surrounded by technology every day means coding has become an important second language for not just adults, but also for children. Our Online Javascript Programming Classes are specially developed for children aged 9 to 14. Learning to code not just helps improve children’s computation thinking skills, but also their problem-solving skills.
BYITC COMPUTING Summer camp 2020
Fun & Stress Free
Learn at a pace suited for your child in a relaxed enviroment
Academic Benefits
Boost performance in school with a headstart in Science, Technology, & Mathematics
Improves Teamwork
Work with fellow students to discover solutions to a wide range of tasks from Robotics to Game Development.
What should you expect to learn from computing summer classes
These kids very intelligently programmed their Robot which uses facial recognition to start the program. The best way to predicts the robotics future is to invent it. They coded this robot for singing and dancing, their Robot is actually performing for a talent show. This Robot can be scripted to do many activities such as talking, singing, dancing, gymnastics, playing and much more.
9 - 14 years kids duo, Robotics Summer Camps 2019
CODING SCRIPT explained by Adam and Alex (9-14 years group) for their Robot to TALK, SING and DANCE in a talent show.
Adam and Alex, (9-14 years group), Robotics Summer Camps 2019
Robert Sharing his Coding Summer Boot Camps Experience
Robert, Summer camp 2019
Himansh Joshi's Summer Boot Camps Experience
Himansh Joshi, Summer camp 2019
How Kids Enjoyed Last Year's Summer Camp

Kids Online Summer Computer Games Development Boot Camp Course Schedule for Age 9 to 14
Computer Games Development (Unity, Unreal Engine, Game Maker etc)
6th July to 8th July
1st Week
12 PM – 2:30 PM
With half hour break
between 1 to 1:30 pm
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
10% early bird discount is available if booked in advance
Computer Games Development (Unity, Unreal Engine, Game Maker etc)
13th July to 15th July
2nd Week
12 PM – 2:30 PM
With half hour break
between 1 to 1:30 pm
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
10% early bird discount is available if booked in advance
Computer Games Development (Unity, Unreal Engine, Game Maker etc)
20th July to 22nd July
3rd Week
12 PM – 2:30 PM
With half hour break
between 1 to 1:30 pm
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
10% early bird discount is available if booked in advance
Computer Games Development (Unity, Unreal Engine, Game Maker etc)
27th July to 29th July
4th Week
12 PM – 2:30 PM
With half hour break
between 1 to 1:30 pm
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
10% early bird discount is available if booked in advance
Javascript Programming Classes with Live Project (Basic)
Basic Javascript Programming Class – 18th Jun to 9th Jul
4 Weeks – (CLASS FULL)
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
1 Hour 30 Minutes
a Week
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
Javascript Programming Classes with Live Project (Basic)
Basic Javascript Programming Class – 17th Jul to 7th Aug
4 Weeks
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
1 Hour 30 Minutes
a Week
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
Javascript Programming Classes with Live Project (Advance)
Advance Javascript Programming Class – 14th Aug – 4 Sep
4 Weeks
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
1 Hour 30 Minutes
a Week
Ages – 9 to 14 Years
special offer | 10% off!!
(£85.5) Per student for games development short week classes with early bird discount
*Early bird discount valid for bookings before 15th June 2020
Kids Online Summer Computer Games Development Boot Camp Course Schedule for Age 9 to 14
2D Games Development using any of the games platform i.e. Unity, Unreal Engine, Stencyl, Game Maker etc.
- Download and install programs
- What is a game?
- How are games made?
- Understanding layout
- Actors, backgrounds, scenes and sounds
- Testing created games
- Behaviours and events
- Peer game testing
Multiplayer Games
- Adding collectables
- Drawing a score board
- Connecting to a network
- Playing multiplayer with other kids in the classroom
- What is a computer?
- Operating systems
- Files, folders and paths
- File types
- The PC
- Windows versions
- CPUs
- Memory types
- Components of a PC
- What is software?
- Downloading software
- Installing software
- Uninstalling software
- What can software do inside a computer?
- What is hardware?
- Examples of hardware
- Hardware vs software
- Identifying input/output ports
The Internet
- Browsers
- Cookies
- Search engines
- Password security
- Websites
- URLs
- Downloading using the internet
Other activities and projects with:
- Game Development
2D Games Development using any of the games platform i.e. Unity, Unreal Engine, Stencyl, Game Maker etc.
- Download and install programs
- What is a game?
- How are games made?
- Understanding layout
- Actors, backgrounds, scenes and sounds
- Testing created games
- Behaviours and events
- Peer game testing
Multiplayer Games
- Adding collectables
- Drawing a scoreboard
- Connecting to a network
- Playing multiplayer with other kids in the classroom
Basics of Programming
- Different languages
- Variables
- Loops
- Decisions
- Functions
Other activities and projects with:
- Game Development
2D Games Development using any of the games platform i.e. Unity, Unreal Engine, Stencyl, Game Maker etc.
- Download and install programs
- What is a game?
- How are games made?
- Understanding layout
- Actors, backgrounds, scenes and sounds
- Testing created games
- Behaviours and events
- Peer game testing
Multiplayer Games
- Adding collectables
- Drawing a scoreboard
- Connecting to a network
- Playing multiplayer with other kids in the classroom
Customising PC’s
- Changing the background
- Screensavers
- Shortcuts
Programming Concepts
- Syntax of code
- Loops
- If-else constructs
- Functions
Other activities and projects with:
- Game Development
- Mechanical & Lego Engineering
2D Games Development using any of the games platform i.e. Unity, Unreal Engine, Stencyl, Game Maker etc.
- Download and install programs
- What is a game?
- How are games made?
- Understanding layout
- Actors, backgrounds, scenes and sounds
- Testing created games
- Behaviours and events
- Peer game testing
Multiplayer Games
- Adding collectables
- Drawing a scoreboard
- Connecting to a network
- Playing multiplayer with other kids in the classroom
- Use pivot animator
- Create players
- Import sprites/models
- Move players
- Use frames and onion layers
- Create motion of at least 30 seconds
- Interactivity with players
Concepts of Coding
- Python or C#
- Variables
- Loops
- Decisions
- Functions
Other activities and projects with:
- Game Development
- Mechanical & Lego Engineering
Kids Online JavaScript Programming COURSE SCHEDULE for Age 9 to 14
In the Basic JavaScript Course you’ll:
- Learn the basics of computer programming
- Learn JavaScript
- Learning HTML 5
- Create Interactive Web pages
- By the end of the course, students will know the basics of a valuable life long skill
In the Advanced JavaScript Programming, following sections would be covered:
- In this course, you will learn about JavaScript data types, built-in methods, and variables.
2. Variables and Data Types
- Learn about Variable & Data Types used in JavaScript.
- Learn how to use if, else if, else, switch, and ternary syntax to control the flow of a program in JavaScript.
- Learn about JavaScript function syntax, passing data to functions, the return keyword, ES6 arrow functions, and concise body syntax.
5. Object Literals
- Learn about Object literals, encapsulating data, enclosing it in a tidy package.
- Learn about global and block level scope in JavaScript.
- Learn about for loop, while loop, etc.
- In this course, you will learn about arrays, a data structure in JavaScript used to store lists of data.
Terms & Conditions
- Once paid, money is non-refundable.
- Some kids’ pictures will be used for social media, if you have any objections to this please let us know.
- Once you have booked the classes, it will be your responsibility to remember what date and time the classes will take place as mentioned in the table below. We will not take any responsibility if you forget the class dates; however if you book through Eventbrite, this will send you a reminder about the event.
special offer | 10% off!!
per student for games developement short week classes with early bird discount
*Early bird discount valid for bookings before 15th June 2020
You can also bring your child early and pick them up later at the additional cost of £5 per hour. Feel free to send any enquiries regarding the Summer Boot Camp for kids UK and wordwide through our website.
flexible dates
Still need convinced??
- IT, software and computer services are the largest sector in the creative industry – in 2014, it was almost double the size of the second largest sector (advertising and marketing)
- In 2016, 674,000 people were employed in jobs in the IT, software and computer services sub-sector
- There is a high demand for IT graduates as there is a skills shortage to vacancy ratio of 43% amongst Science, Research, Engineering and Technology professionals
- IT professionals are typically very well-paid, with those working in the science, technology and engineering sectors earning roughly 20% more than those in other sectors
Deals for Computer Games Development Camp & Early Bird Discount
£85.5 for games development short week classes per student with early bird discount.
*Early bird discount valid for bookings before 15th June 2020.
book / Enquire
Call: 0141 946 3699

Has your child ever wondered how videogames are made? Ever found them asking how something that happened on their TV was even possible? Our Games Development classes might help answer some of those curiosities with game development and game engines just some of the topics.