British Youth International College


How to Enhance Student Engagement through Poetry: Poems Help You Master the Language

How to Enhance Student Engagement through Poetry: Poems Help You Master the Language
Roses are red, violets are blue, poetry is fun, and good for student engagement too! Now, before you roll your eyes and sigh, let's dive into why poetry should be every student’s best friend. Student Engagement: Rhyme, Rhythm, and a Whole Lot of Fun! Picture this: a classroom filled with students eagerly scribbling away, giggling at their own rhymes, and dramatically reciting verses like Shakespearean actors. That, my friend, is the magic of poetry! St

English Olympiad: Boosting Excellence Beyond the Classroom

English Olympiad: Boosting Excellence Beyond the Classroom
Ah, the English Olympiad—where the only thing more competitive than the spelling bee is the amount of coffee consumed while cramming for English Language rules that seem to have more exceptions than a family reunion. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why on earth anyone would willingly subject themselves to a series of tests about punctuation and synonyms, fear not! We’re here to convince you that the English Olympiad is not just about flexing your l