- Student
- Sidharth
- Location
- UK

- Student
- Niranjan
- Location
- UK

- Student
- Suhaan
- Location
- UK
“Thank you Rashmi ma’am and the abacus team for all your support and encouragement during my hard times. I am forever grateful to you.”

- Student
- Saanvi Sankaramaddi
- Location
- UK
Hello, my name is Saanvi Sankaramaddi. I am 11 years old and accomplished my goal by finishing Abacus.
I am here to put in the picture of my, seemingly, impossible goal. Before I start, I need to inform you about all the people, whom without, I wouldn’t reach my intention. Firstly, thank you Rashmi ma’am and the abacus team for all your support and encouragement during my hard times. I am forever grateful to you. Next a huge thank you to my mother who was with me every second of my life, helping me over the hurdles, urging me on. You will always have a place in my heart mum, thank you, love you with all my heart.
October 2018 was the month I waited with my mother, with unknown people around me not knowing a whole new chapter was beginning in my life- starting Abacus. First, I learnt Finger Theory, which was a cool way of counting up to 99 instead of 10. Later on we used the Abacus Tool and way too quickly we started mental calculations. In some levels, those I hate to mention it,I got so fed up I wanted to quit and give up. But I managed to stay strong with additional help from Rashmi ma’am and my mother. Once again, thank you for all you have given me. This is a wonderful opportunity, Miss You All.
“Thank you so much Rashmi and all the teachers who helped Manognya to finish all 11 levels. We are so happy and We have to say Thank you to Sujana, if we have any doubts she will respond very quickly and sort out.”

- Student
- Manognya
- Parents
- Omsi Krishana
- Location
- UK
We greatly appreciate the whole team who have made it such a fun experience for Havish.Thank you, Rashmi, and all teachers at supermaths for all the hardwork and support.My name is Manognya, I am 9 year old, my experience in Abacus was absolutely amazing, the teachers there were very friendly and if I didn’t understand something they would explain it to me patiently until I understood. Everything I did in abacus eventually came up in what I did in school,and it really helped me. Abacus not only taught me maths but it also taught me to never give up and try your best until the very end. Some of my favourite categories were Bodmas, fractions,percentage and square root. I really enjoyed all of these categories because they were challenging and this made it fun and motivated me to finish, all the subjects were great but these were my favourite. Again I just want to say a big thank you to Rashmi Aunty and all the teachers, they treated me very nicely and I’m sure everyone everyone else would agree. Over all abacus for me was an amazing experience. I don’t have the words to describe.
Havish has improved his mental & learning abilities, concentration, calculation skills and academics after learning Abacus Maths.”

- Student
- Havish Nair
- Parents
- Bala Nair
- Location
- UK
We greatly appreciate the whole team who have made it such a fun experience for Havish.Thank you, Rashmi, and all teachers at supermaths for all the hardwork and support.
Abacus has immensely increased Krishna’s love for numbers and we greatly appreciate the whole team who have made it such a fun experience for her.”

- Student
- Krishna Narayana
- Parents
- Prashant Narayana
- Location
- UK
After joining Abacus Classes, we can see big improvement in Krishna’s learning ability and calculation speed. Thank you, Rashmi, and all teachers at Supermaths for all the hardwork and support.
“Earlier Amoly didn’t show much interest in Maths. Now after joining Abacus class she enjoys maths and loves playing with numbers”

- Student
- Amoly Jain
- Parents
- Amrit Jain
- Location
- UK
Amoly after joining Abacus class she enjoys maths and loves playing with numbers. Thank you, Rashmi, and all teachers at supermaths for all the hardwork and support.
“Aadya has been doing Abacus for the last 6 months. She absolutely loves it and eagerly waits every weekend for her class and meets her teachers who are super supportive! Thank you, Rashmi and all teachers at supermaths”

- Student
- Aadya Suri
- Parents
- Puneet Suri
- Location
Aadya started loving numbers only after introducing Abacus and now does calculations by finger theory faster than us. We are super proud of her! Thank you BYITC for boosting her confidence!
“Abacus has helped Swara to be focused, increased her concentration level and improved her thinking power. Abacus is the first asset earned which would be used to accomplish her future aspirations in life.”

- Student
- Swara Shimpi
- Parents
- Harshad Shimpi
- Location
- UK
Thanks to Dr. Rashmi and BYITC team for guiding her, providing personal attention during her progress, motivating her, providing constructive feedback , being realistic and keeping parents informed of their Abacus journey. A big thank you to BYITC.
“Reyansh confidence has increased dramatically since starting Abacus.”

- Student
- Reyansh Salot
- Parents
- Shreyash Salot
- Location
- Australia
Reyansh loves Abacus and his teacher is amazing. His confidence has increased dramatically since starting Abacus. Thank you, Rashmi and all teachers at supermaths for all the hardwork and support.
“As parents we exactly knew that this is something every child should learn, abacus not only increases your maths skills it actually makes your brain work.”

- Student
- Vihaan Mendiratta
- Parents
- Ashish Mendiratta
- Location
- UK
I have been very pleased with the professional attitude of all the staff members at Supermaths, and a special thanks goes to Dr Rashmi Mantri and her husband Manoj Maheshwari for all the hard work they put into this amazing course work.
“Learning abacus has improved Anya’s confidence and focus. Anya’s abacus learning is for life.”

- Student
- Anya Soni
- Parents
- Anoop Soni
- Location
- UK
We are proud of Anya for completing the final level of the abacus. It’s 3 years of hard work and commitment from her and her teachers at Supermaths. Learning abacus has improved Anya’s confidence and focus. Anya’s abacus learning is for life. Thank you, Rashmi and all teachers at supermaths for all the hardwork and support.
“We have seen significant improvement in Vianca’s ability to do maths since starting her journey with Supermaths”

- Student
- Vianca Jain
- Parents
- Binal Jain
- Location
- UK
She now loves maths and enjoys it We could see her confidence improve within two weeks of joining Supermaths and she has been progressing well .We would like to thank Dr Rashmi Mantri and her Team for all the hardwork and support.
“Abacus helped Samarth to become Faster & Accurate in Maths…”

- Student
- Samarth Kesthur
- Parents
- Sanjay Kumar & Vani
- Location
- UK
Abacus helped Samarth to become faster & accurate in maths. It improved his problem solving skills, which boost his confidence.
“Supermaths is doing a great job in getting the kids to a good confidence level…”

- Student
- Elmadam
- Parents
- Trhas Atsgeba
- Location
- UK
Supermaths is doing a great job in getting the kids to a good confidence level. Even in the Online Classes, they’re giving individual attention to every child…taking the level of education to a greater level!!
“ My kids are not only enjoying the Supermaths classes but also have excelled in their academics …”

- Student
- Pushkal & Lohith Chandra Bodla
- Location
- UK
Just over a couple of years ago like most parents we too were looking to give the best to our kids. We have tried various maths and English training academy’s which were not up to the par … then we have bumped into Super Maths & English institute. My kids were not only enjoying these classes but also have excelled in their academics … this abacus training has given my kids an opportunity to shine.
Tutors have given their best to train my kids over the months. Happy we have chosen this It’s been a while since I have given a testimonial and this one is worth every penny.
“ Srihitha has started to love math with the help of abacus… ”

- Student
- Srihitha Santosh
- Parents
- Anusha Santosh
- Location
- UK
Srihitha has started to love math with the help of abacus. She challenges herself to do well which has improved her speed and ability to solve problems…
“Thank you Rashmi and all the abacus maths team, helping with making learning maths more interesting and joyful…”

- Student
- Tarun Vusikala
- Parents
- Mamatha Vusikala
- Location
- UK
Thank you Rashmi and all the abacus maths team, helping with making learning maths more interesting and joyful … online classes especially during the current pandemic is an absolute blessing.
“We really started this to give a try to explore Lakshya’s interest but she eventually liking it doing it on her own…”

- Student
- Lakshya
- Parents
- Ashok Kumar & Elavarasi Saravanan
- Location
- UK
We really started this to give a try to explore Lakshya’s interest but she eventually liking it doing it on her own.
She enjoy doing it everyday playing those sums as a brain games. We personally found she is very excited doing these classes every week and groomed herself moving to Stage 2.
I would really like to thank all SuperMaths staffs as they approach to students are very friendly in nature. Would like to continue doing these classes till the end.
“Mental maths has helped Alissa lots and after struggle at start she has grasped the concept and is now flying…”

- Student
- Alissa Hussain
- Parents
- Azeem Hussain
- Location
- UK
Mental maths has helped Alissa lots and after struggle at start she has grasped the concept and is now flying. She thinks now it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method.
“Dr Rashmi Mantri and her capable team personally knows each student’s capability in the class that helps a lot…”

- Student
- Neev Lukhi
- Parents
- Ojas Lukhi & Ashmi Lukhi
- Location
- UK
Abacus is an excellent brain development tool that makes maths learning fun and easy. Our son, Neev (P6), has completed his Abacus course at BYITC in 2.5 years. Abacus has helped Neev build his visualizing power and concentration level. He is able to do calculations much faster and with confidence and can apply it to his day to day activities. Doing mental abacus has developed his speed and accuracy. BYITC is doing a great job in getting the kids to a good confidence level. Even when classes are conducted virtually/online, proper individual attention is taken care of. Dr Rashmi Mantri and her capable team personally knows each student’s capability in the class;that helps a lot. We are very happy and pleased with team BYITC /SuperMaths
“You have done a tremendous job with the online classes…”

- Student
- Syon Srivastava
- Parents
- Ankit Srivastava
- Location
- UK
I wanted to let you know that you have done a tremendous job with the online classes so the kids have the continuity they need , especially in these time. Thanks to everyone at BYITC
“Will be enrolling my youngest too…”

- Student
- Saif Kashif and Anya Kashif
- Parents
- Kashif Iqbal
- Location
- UK
Learning Abacus has helped my children across not only math but all subject and has increased their confidence tenfold. Will be enrolling my youngest as soon as she turns 5!
“ABACUS is a wonderful medium for a better understanding of numbers..”

- Student
- Randeep Bajwa
- Parents
- Sheetal Bajwa
- Location
- UK
Randeep finds Abacus a wonderful medium for a better understanding of numbers. It puts children in a very systematic approach to learning in general and each Abacus level gives new challenges to him. He thinks it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method. He wants to say thank you to all Abacus’s teachers for helping him in Abacus!
“SUPERMATHS BYITC class is very good for Abacus and English. “

- Student
- Vedant
- Parents
- Vishwas Agnihotri
- Location
- UK
I saw a lot of improvement in Vedant Now he is doing calculations fast and correctly. English class also helps him in learning and staying in touch with grammar. Teachers in class always give personal attention to each student. This benefits a lot to keep students focused. Even when virtually class is conducted personal attention is provided. I wish all students and Teachers the best of luck.
Vedant also created small greetings for Rashmi madam and other teachers.
Again thanks a lot to Rahmi madam and other teaching and support staff for the help and support provided.
“Gauri loves solving Abacus Maths challenges…”

- Student
- Gauri Shrikhande
- Parents
- Suverna Shrikhande
- Location
- UK
Gauri thinks it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method. She likes Solving Problems and other Abacus Maths Challenges. Abacus has developed her interest in learning Mathematics…
“…made her more focused, disciplined and time conscious…“

- Student
- Mokshita
- Parents
- Sireesha
- Location
- UK
Mokhsita loves Maths challenges. She thinks it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method.
It has also made her more focused, disciplined and time conscious.
“…solving maths challenges…”

- Student
- Swara Akula
- Parents
- Swapna Kommawar
- Location
- UK
Swara likes solving maths challenges and each Abacus level gives new challenges to her. She thinks it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method. She wants to say thank you to all Abacus’s teachers for helping her in Abacus!
“…thank you to all Abacus’s teachers…”

- Student
- Anaya Malpure
- Parents
- Yogini
- Location
- UK
Anaya likes solving maths challenges and each Abacus level gives new challenges to her. She thinks it’s fun and easy to solve sums by the Abacus method.
She wants to say thank you to all Abacus’s teachers for helping her in Abacus!
“…increased their memory retention…”

- Student
- Shona & Marchi
- Parents
- Seema Saraf
- Location
- UK
Thanks for taking effort to develop my kids multiple skills just not in general maths but over all focus, concentration and confidence, which have left immense effect in over all studies of my kids. I won’t hesitate to say that after coming to Abcaus, maths has become daily life subject for them.
Abacus has definitely increased their memory retention. Abacus has helped them to have more overall and photochromic memory, with this virtue they have become very confident in handling any situation and subjects.
The app of mental maths is another advantage to kids as well as parents, it has increased parent’s participation in our overall study. That makes BYITC stands outstanding.
“…like a miracle…”

- Student
- Jyotsana Singh
- Parents
- Sunita Singh
- Location
- UK
Abacus is very helpful for my daughter.
She was not good in Maths before and I was very worried. Then my friend told me about this. After coming here I can see much difference in my daughter.
She is more confident now and can answer questions within seconds. I can’t believe this. This is like a miracle for me.
She got two awards from her school. This is a big achievement for me as well.
I am very happy now.
“…increased his self confidence…”

- Student
- Sunny Jadhav
- Parents
- Mrs. Sneha Jadhav
- Location
- UK
My son, Sunny Jadhav, has just completed his Abacus course at BYITC and has been learning it for last 3 years.
Abacus is an excellent brain development tool that makes maths learning easy and enjoyable. Abacus has helped Sunny build his visualizing power & concentration levels.
It has increased his self confidence as he achieved enhanced photographic memory which in-turn gained him the ability to recall things at will.
I would definitely recommend to start learning Abacus at a very young age to activate brain development of a child.
“…the report in school is spectacular…”

- Student
- Umar, Sara & Abu-Bakar
- Parents
- Sumera Mahmood
- Location
- Uk
The kids are doing wonderful, the report in school is spectacular last parents meeting they all had amazing reports in all their subjects and haven’t had any problems or issues.
My daughter Sara was asked to explain Abacus and she demonstrated how to do some sums on the whiteboard in front of the full class! The teacher said she was amazed by the method she used and how accurate and quickly she can-do high-level sums.
Since my children have joined Abacus they have been numerous other things that have improved such as their confidence, their confidence has massively increased since they joined which is great especially at their age their able to use their skills they learned in front of audiences.
Their maths skills are extraordinary because of this technique and I would highly recommend it to everyone.
My son Umar has also joined the English classes that Supermaths & English provide this has also really helped him, his reading comprehension is rapidly improving.
He can now read properly without too much hesitation and with confidence, he recently moved on the next level and I feel that he’s going to keep on improving with his grammar, writing, creative writing etc.
“…my daughter improved very much…”

- Student
- Hemakshi Singh Tanwar
- Parents
- Neetu Tanwar
- Location
- UK
Abacus is very nice and my daughter improved very much.
I would recommend abacus maths and English classes to all parents.
Rashmi Mantri and staff are very kind and gentle.
My daughter enjoys her abacus class.
Abacus has immensely increased Krishna’s love for numbers and we greatly appreciate the whole team who have made it such a fun experience for her.”

- Student
- Krishna Narayana
- Parents
- Prashant Narayana
- Location
- UK
After joining Abacus Classes, we can see big improvement in Krishna’s learning ability and calculation speed. Thank you, Rashmi, and all teachers at Supermaths for all the hardwork and support.